Introduction + Q&A

Hello fellow galaxy adventurers!

My name is Dominique, and welcome to my blog!

I love reading and watching shows that transport me to another galaxy, and that’s why I’ve started this blog, to share those books and shows that I think do that! Whether it’s a story about a different galaxy, or our own.
Some people may think we are crazy to get emotionally attached to fictional characters, or that spending our day reading or watching TV is a waste. But I see it as a way to inspire us, bring us together, and give us a break from reality when times are tough.
It’s something that connects you to others. Like seeing someone wearing a t-shirt for a fellow fandom, and you just have that instant connection with them.

So now that we’ve got why I’m starting a blog out of the way, let’s dive into a few random facts about me:
I’m a Jesus follower.
I run a bookstagram.
I like taking pictures of everything from nature, to trying to snap a candid photo of my family.
I collect postcards, and am trying to get better at sending them(and letters) to my friends.
Some of my favorite shows(ex: Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Guardians of the Galaxy), were shows I didn’t want to watch at first, but then I did and I fell in love with them!
A few of my favorite books are: The Lunar Chronicles, the Storm Siren trilogy, To Best the Boys, Six of Crows, and the Doon series.
I love looking at the stars. Give me a clear starry night and I’m happy.

Now let’s dive into a little Q&A with questions some lovely people on Instagram submitted.

“Do you have a system for rating books, or is it a gut reaction?”

– I kind of have a system for rating books, but it’s mainly gut reaction. Sometimes I’ll start thinking about the rating for a book as I’m reading it. If there is something I really didn’t enjoy, it will probably end up taking it down at least half a star. Language is another thing I’ll take into account, if there is an excessive amount of language is another situation I would take off half a star. Mainly, the rating comes from gut reaction after I read a book though. Just how I overall felt about the book, and how I thought the ending was. If a book has a bad ending, it will definitely effect how I feel about it.

“Have you ever requested – and gotten – an ARC(Advanced Reading Copy)?”

– I have requested a few physical ARCs, but it’s been years since I have and I did receive them, to my surprise. They were The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson, One Realm Beyond by Donita K. Paul, and Destination Unknown by Amy Clipston. I have also requested for a few e-ARCs, and I have gotten two out of three of those. I don’t really request for an ARC anymore unless it’s a book I know I want to read. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my TBR as it is.

So many books, so little time.

“Tips for bookstagram?”

– I came up with 3 main tips.
1. If you want to start a bookstagram, just go for it. Don’t worry about your pictures looking perfect or like other peoples. Just have fun with it.
2. Connect with other people in the community. Comment on their posts, reply to stories, just chat with them. Everyone is really welcoming in the community and your sure to make friends along the way. The community is the best part of bookstagram.
3. Don’t worry about having a theme at first. Experiment with how you want your pictures to look. And if you don’t want to have a theme, that is ok! I know I go through phases of having a theme and then not. (Also, shelfie pictures are always a good go-to.)

“How amazing has it been to rep for Cade?”

Cade is the owner of the shop Hey Atlas Creative and they make some of the best bookmarks out there.
I’d highly recommend checking out their shop*.
Also, you can use my code Galaxy10 to save 10% throughout the rest of this month, so that’s even more reason to check them out.

*Be warned, you will want to buy one of everything.

“Do you stan the Lightning Thief Musical?”

– I haven’t really listened to it, but I shall try to soon.
I do stan Bandstand though, it is one of the greatest musicals of all time.
And I am totally not still sad that it closed over a year ago, psh, why, why would you even bring that up

“Who is your celebrity crush?”

Tom Holland

Well that brings us to the end of my first blog post.
Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me?
Put them in the comments and let’s chat!

See you in my next post, but until then

~keep reading, and keep exploring galaxies~

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