Happy Galentine’s Day! – Top 5 Rom-Coms

One of the best holidays of the year is here. Nope, not Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, or Easter.

Galentine’s day.

If you don’t know what Galentine’s day is, it’s a day dedicated to friends! Showing them how much you love them, and just hanging out and having fun!

So after watching some Parks and Rec to celebrate Galentine’s day, you may want to watch some rom-coms. Luckily for you, I have compiled a list of my top 5 favorite rom-coms to help you celebrate!

Leap Year

Leap Year is about a woman, Anna, who goes on a trip to Dublin to propose to her boyfriend. Anna has to go through a lot to even make it to Ireland, and once she does, she makes it to a little town on the Irish countryside, miles and miles from Dublin. Going to the local pub in search of a phone she meets Declan, the pub owner. He agrees to help her get to Dublin(for a fee of course) by Leap Day so she can propose to her boyfriend.

I love the banter between Declan and Anna, and just seeing their relationship progress throughout the movie.
If your looking for a fun roadtrip movie through Ireland, and finding true love along the way, this is the movie for you!

27 Dresses

Do you ever have those movies you’ve seen a ton of times, and you turn on when you just want something fun to watch?
One of those movies for me is 27 Dresses.

27 Dresses is about a woman, Jane, who is always a bridesmaid. When her sister, Tess, comes home to take a break from modeling she ends up meeting Jane’s boss, George, and they fall in love. Soon after the two meet, they are engaged and Jane is helping them plan their wedding.
The problem? Jane has secretly been in love with George for years.
Add Malcolm Doyle, the commitments writer for the paper(whom Jane loves his writing), and watch the chaos ensue.

27 Dresses is a good balance of comedy and romance that keeps you entertained til the end.
And also the bar scene is classic.

Letters to Juliet

Letters to Juliet is about Sophie and her fiancee, Victor, who go on a early honeymoon trip to Verona. While Victor is off going to vineyards and food auctions, Sophie happens upon a courtyard where women from all over the world come writing letters seeking advice from Juliet(as in Romeo and Juliet). While sitting in the courtyard, Sophie sees a lady taking the letters, and she ends up following her to see what she does with them. That’s when she discovers the Secretaries of Juliet and that they take the letters and write back letters of advice.
One day while Sophie is helping collect the letters, she finds one that has been tucked away for close to fifty years. She decides to write back and see what happened to the woman who wrote it, Claire, and her love, Lorenzo.
When Claire receives the letter she decides to go to Verona to meet the person who wrote the letter, and her grandson Charlie comes along as well. After they all meet, Sophie decides to help Claire find her long lost love, and thus the roadtrip through Italy begins.

The locations in this movie are stunning, and the romances are sweet. Letters to Juliet is about finding your one true love, whether it’s finding them again after fifty years, or finding them over a Tuscan roadtrip.

The Princess Diaries 1 & 2

If you were a Disney kid like me, you’ve probably seen The Princess Diaries hundreds of times. Fun plots, relatable characters, sweet romances, and the dream-like country of Genovia? Yes please.
In these movies we follow Mia, a girl who is just trying to make it through high school. When one day her grandmother shows up with the shocking revelation that she is a princess.
We see Mia as she struggles through the changes of going from someone who is fine being invisible, to a confident princess.
In the first movie we have a sweet friends to more than friends romance.

And in the second movie we have a romance that starts with loathing*.
What’s not to like?

*Anyone else start humming What is this Feeling from Wicked?

50 First Dates

This one is about a guy, Henry, who hasn’t had a relationship longer than a few days, and a girl, Lucy, who was in an accident that caused her to lose her short term memory. Henry meets Lucy at a diner one day and they hit it off. Only for him to come back the next day and her not remember him at all.
I watched this one for the first time recently, and while I have mixed feelings on it, there is one reason I decided to add it to the list.

*possible spoiler ahead?*

The fact that the Lucy doesn’t magically regain her short term memory back, but they stay together and end up starting a family.
I liked that the problem wasn’t just all of a sudden resolved so they would stay together. They stayed together despite Lucy having to go through remembering everything since the accident every day, and Henry having to be patient with her and sticking by her side even if it was hard.
I didn’t expect that from an Adam Sandler movie, but I will say I was pleasantly surprised. And it makes up for the insufferable first twenty minutes, and some of the horrible jokes. That fact, and this scene:

One of the best parts in the movie, in my opinion.

This one is definitely high on the comedy scale, so if you want something to make you laugh(as long as you can make it through the first twenty minutes), I’d suggest giving this one a shot.

And that is the end of my top 5 favorite rom-coms!

Have you seen any of these? Did you enjoy them, or dislike them?
What would be on your top 5 rom-coms list?
Let’s chat in the comments!

I hope you all have a wonderful Galentine’s day, and remember,


~keep reading & keep exploring galaxies~

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