
Hello! I’m Dominique!

I love reading and watching shows that transport me to another galaxy, and that’s why I started this blog, to share those books and shows that I think do that! Whether it’s a story about a different galaxy, or our own.
Some people may think we are crazy to get emotionally attached to fictional characters, or that spending our day reading or watching TV is a waste. But I see it as a way to inspire us, bring us together, and give us a break from reality when times are tough.
It’s something that connects you to others. Like seeing someone wearing a t-shirt for a fellow fandom, and you just have that instant connection with them.

So, hi! I’m Dominique, I’m a Jesus follower, who loves talking about my favorite books and shows and fangirling with others. I like taking pictures of everything from nature, to trying to snap a candid photo of my family. I collect postcards, and am trying to get better at sending them(and letters) to my friends.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey through the galaxies.

keep reading & keep exploring galaxies